Sur la plateforme d'échanges de cryptomonnaies MelegaSwap, les volumes échangés ces dernières 24 heures ont atteint en euros et en équivalent en Bitcoin : €0.000000 (0.000000 BTC). L'exchange MelegaSwap supporte de multiples cryptodevise(s) et paires de trading. La place de marché MelegaSwap a été créée en 2023 et a pour origine le pays suivant : Switzerland.

Nom de l'échangeMelegaSwap
Volume (24H) €0.000000
0.000000 BTC
Année établie2023
Site Internet

MelegaSwap – Description

MelegaSwap is the black decentralized exchange on BNB Chain providing friendly trading, project support as well as a wide range of farms and pools with HIGH APR. A total black design, an original name, a distinctive logo, a strong orientation towards marketing support for the listed projects are the key points of a project that aims to become one of the first DEX platforms in the world. MelegaSwap is different at a glance. * Proudly black to make projects shine. * Strictly selective to give users investment opportunities worthy of attention. * Amazingly trendy to keep up with. Trade. Instantly swap crypto tokens: no registration or account needed. Swap new Crypto Gems constantly updated selected by the MelegaSwap team. Earn with Pools. Earn $MARCO and other tokens for free with super high interest rates. Stake $MARCO, earn free tokens. It’s really that easy. MARCO holders right now are earning free tokens each days from the best projects. New projects join the party every day, so you can earn more, for even longer. Earn with Farms. Earn MARCO with Yield Farms. Stake LP tokens, earn MARCO. You take on a little more exposure to market fluctuations than with the Pools, but can earn higher APR to offset the risk. Earn with Fees. No farm? No problem. Even if your trading pair isn’t supported on the Farms page, you can still earn trading fees when you stake your tokens in Liquidity Pools (LPs). The MelegaSwap offer is enriched by an ILO section and by Melega Space, the HUB of the Melega ecosystem that provides a huge range of professional services to crypto projects including: - Listing on Selected Centralized Exchanges - Market Making Services - Marketing Services - Audit and Legal Services through selected partners.

Tableau des paires sur l’exchange MelegaSwap

Retrouvez l’ensemble des paires proposées sur la plateforme d’échanges de crypto MelegaSwap. Chaque ligne du tableau est organisée de la façon suivante : devise, paire, valeur, volume échange ces dernières 24 heures sur MelegaSwap et dernière actualisation des données.

# Devise Paire Prix Volume (24h) Actualisé Trust Score

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